In 1979, when Réal Samson took over the family farm from his father. A few years later, his wife Nicole joins the enterprise. Since they strongly believe in protecting the environment, they chose to practice organic agriculture in 1989 and obtain their certification a few years later.  Gabriel, one of their four children, showed an interest in continuing the family business, and Nicole transferred the enterprise’s shares to her son in 2010. Now co-owner with his father, Gabriel constantly innovates to improve the farm’s productivity.

Ferme Samson et Fils occupies an area of 275 acres, of which 60 acres are devoted to growing fruit and vegetables. A light and sandy soil as well as two large lakes facilitate irrigation, providing an ideal location for vegetable agriculture.

The potato, the enterprise’s principal product, is cultivated on 35 acres and available nearly year-round. Other fruits and vegetables such as honeydew, watermelon, cantaloupe, winter squash, peppers, and onions are harvested in late summer and in the fall. The refrigerated warehouse with a 150,000 kg capacity improves the preservation of produce which is then sent to the distributors